Red Bank_Columbia_6.JPG

Vehicles drive down Platt Springs Road in the Red Bank community in Lexington County on March 23, 2024.

Need to get something off your chest? We want to hear your rants and raves. Email or call us at 803-765-0707 ext. 126. Submissions will be for length and spelling but not grammar. Please limit emailed submissions to 150 words.

So sad that Chamber Music on Main has ended and that Cola. Museum of Art's announcement about it fails to tell if any efforts were made to find another impresario to follow in the footsteps of Charles Wadsworth, Ed Arron, and Andrew Armstrong. Vague platitudes from the museum are so unhelpful to those of us who have been faithful supporters and fans of such a wonderful concert series. We are grieving!

Play by 21st SCent

Act I: Set-Eden. Once, there were almost 2 square miles of solar/flood control. But, EuroGerms invaded. Intruders were paid (by native Red Carolinian faction) to devastate. Forest gone. Pan out.

Act II: Set-Biological desert. Pan in. Peons forced to buy atmosphere-destroying methane. No star-powered solution allowed. Pan out.

Act III: Set- At the compound. Enter McMaster. All hail Ill Douchee. Brava! Fin

USC.'re gonna pay coaches more than teachers, then you gotta pay women as much as men. Pay equity. Now. Dawn as much as Paris.


Ok, I get it, Lexington County, you want to curb growth so services and infrastructure can catch up. Legitimate. But, you say you want to maintain your "character and rural feel". I call BS on that. You want to keep out lower incomes and people of color, especially those voting blue. Fess up, you classist, racist schmoes. It frees the soul.

Currently (pun intended), SC has a 10% overcapacity of electrical generation, which we export. If ALL new construction was required to have on-site solar and batteries there would be no need for more electrical plants. Am I wrong, Dominion?

At our outstanding Assembly Street Library, I check out what I want to read and I help my grandson, too. Meaning, for age-appropriate reading levels. His parents are his content monitors. Not you, book banners!

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